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Commit Thy Work To God




Thank you for visiting our new website!  Each month we will update the site, along with our Facebook page, with up-to-date information, planned events, and other Knights Templar-related news in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Sinclair Commandery No. 37 is found in the 3rd Chivalric District of the Commonwealth of Virginia and holds it's Stated Conclaves Quarterly on the second Thursdays in March, June, September, and December.


Conclaves start at 8:00 pm, after Manassas Royal Arch Chapter meetings that evening.  Sir Knights are encouraged to join the Companions for dinner previous to Royal Arch, and then stay for Convocation and Conclave.  Dinners start at 6:30 PM and are usually hosted by one of our appendant bodies, with dinner donations going to their preferred charities.  Sinclair Commandery No. 37 meets at the Senie B. Cockrell Memorial Temple, Manasseh Lodge No. 182, A.F. & A.M. located at 9810 Cockrell Road, Manassas, Virginia, 20110


Sinclair Commandery No. 37 seeks to improve the experience of Sir Knights in the Commonwealth of Virginia and abroad, by focusing primarily on the Virtues taught to us through the several Orders, and the Spiritual and Mystical natures of the Christ.


Again, welcome, and we look forward to sharing in the Virtues of Templar Masonry with you all!



                                                                                          Joseph Martinez, Sr.

                                                                                     Eminent Past Commander



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